Thursday, November 19, 2009

How to Increase the Value of Your Medical Malpractice Case Using a Day in the Life Video

A day in the life of video documents for the jury the physical, emotional, social and economic challenges that a seriously injured person, resulting from a medical malpractice or serious personal injury case, experiences in their day to day life. It has been said that if a picture is worth a thousand words then a video tape is worth a million.

A video that shows the jury what a typical day is like for the injured party is a very powerful tool to help the jury better understand the challenges that the severely injured party faces on a daily basis. Often times a seriously injured person may make a poor witness on their own behalf in properly explaining to the jury all of the problems which they face. This is sometimes the case with family members or a care giver who does not want to sound self serving or run the risk of seeming to exaggerate the situation.

A properly produced day in the life video might show the problems which the Plaintiff experiences in every aspect of their daily life. These videos might also include interviews with the Plaintiff, the Plaintiff's family members, the Plaintiff's care giver and with the Plaintiff's physicians. The presentation might also show selected medical records and actuarial tables setting forth life expectancies.

These productions are especially suitable for the following types of cases:

- Stroke victims;
- Amputations;
- Paraplegia;
- Quadriplegia;
- Birth injuries;
- Brain injuries;
- Spinal cord injuries;
- Burn victims;
- Blindness;
- Medical malpractice cases
- Special injuries
- Serious injuries
- Physical handicaps

It is important that the Plaintiff, the Plaintiff's lawyer and the Plaintiff's family are all actively involved in the preparation of the video so that the video producer fully understands the nature and extent of what needs to be depicted on the video.

Your attorney and the video producer should be able to set forth all of the needed footage in approximately 15 to 20 minutes as there is the real possibility that the jury will tend to lose interest after 30 minutes which might negatively affect its effectiveness.

A properly produced Day In The Life Video can give the jury a more complete understanding of the nature and extent of the Plaintiff's injuries and damages which can increase the likelihood of a settlement or result in a larger monetary award by the jury.

If you suspect you are a medical malpractice victim for any reason, it is recommended that you seek legal advice immediately.

Attorney Richard Hastings, for the past two and one half decades, has been helping injured clients and families collect millions of dollars in losses ranging from motor vehicle accidents to wrongful death, to medical malpractice. He is the founder of Selectcounsel, LLC, a free service that helps you find one of the best lawyers in your area and is the author of the books "How To Find A Great Lawyer" and "Understanding And Improving The Value Of Your Personal Injury Case"

Please visit to see how they can find you one of the best lawyers in your area for your serious injury or medical malpractice case.

Selectcounsel, LLC is a FREE national service that helps people with serious personal injury and medical malpractice cases find one of the best lawyers in their area to represent them. The lawyers we recommend are independently rated by attorneys and judges as being among the very best in their field of practice. Visit us at to see how we can help you find one of the best lawyers for your case.