Thursday, April 15, 2010

Malpractice Laws - Are They Destroying Patient & Doctor Communication?

Have you ever noticed that doctors, dentists, accountants, financial planners and other professionals are being so careful with what they say these days that you almost cannot get them to answer your questions?

Worse, they often do not answer your question with a straight answer. Do you know why this happens so often these days? Well, it's because they are fearful that they might lose their license or be sued for errors and omission, negligence or malpractice.
It appears that all the rules and regulations that have been put into place to protect the consumer, customer, client and/or patient are actually now harming them, due to the fact that communication is so aloof.
When you talk to a professional practitioner these days the clients and patients often feel as if they are asking a question of a politician during a live televised debate, as they will not answer your direct question, but instead give you all the pre-approved jargon.
Patients deserve more than a song and dance and when you have hired a professional you should be able to ask them questions without them worrying that you are going to sue them or misunderstand what they say and file a complaint with some government licensing board.  
When the doctors and professionals see their patients as potential adversaries, one can see that the communication has completely broken down and thus, the caring, empathy and service is out the window.
It is a disease that plagues our society and creates paranoia and fear between client and professional. This is why many say we need to relook at our malpractice laws in America. Please consider this.

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